Surgical Approaches to Increase Penis Length and Thickness: Current Approaches

Penis Enlargement Surgery by Surgeons

In most cases, men are not satisfied with the size of their penis. In addition, they are considering and even planning to clarify the possibility of surgical penis enlargement.

Among all existing methods of changing penis size, namelyPenis Enlargement Surgery Guaranteed Results, but at the same time, this is one of the most difficult paths blazed for men considering penis enlargement.

Before deciding on penis enlargement surgery, you need to think many times, weigh all the pros and cons of this option, and most importantly, you need to visit a specialist who will help you understand penis enlargement options or can prove that it is not necessary.

Information about the cost of penis enlargement surgery is provided below.

Existing methods of penis enlargement surgery

Surgical penis enlargement can be done in different ways.

There are many methods of penis enlargement, but most are non-surgical options.

As for operations, they are divided according to their respective priorities:Elongation or thickening.

Penis lengthening surgery includes:

  • Ligamentotomy;
  • Prosthesis.

The surgical group to thicken the penis includes:

  • fat filling;
  • Introduction of polymer materials;
  • Muscle transplantation.

Indications and contraindications

There are various indications for penis enlargement surgery:

  • curvature or Peyronie's disease;
  • Injuried;
  • Dysfunction due to spongiform fibrosis;
  • underdevelopment of the penis;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • the impossibility of intimacy;
  • Conservative treatment lacks any positive results;
  • Less than 12 cm in length when erect.

However, there are some contraindications in which methods of surgical enlargement of the penis would be expressly prohibited:

  • Disorders of the coagulation system;
  • acute inflammation affecting the penis;
  • STDs;
  • Pustules or sores on the penis;
  • Severe chronic or concomitant disease in the decompensated stage.

What is penis enlargement surgery?

Penis size can increase due to surgeryBy 3-5 cm. While this may inspire a man who decides to take radical action, he must take into account the impendingThe program looks far from aesthetic. And the increased recovery period will be painful and difficult.

In each of the existing directions, there are several technical approaches.

organ lengthening


First, you can describe a ligamentotomy, aka penis enlargement.

Before this surgery, it must be checked by an andrologist and anesthesiologist.

Surgery is performed under general or spinal anesthesia. Doctors pass through the penis' suspensory ligament, which dips into the pelvis and attaches to its bones, while it partially anchors a portion of the penis' true length in the body. As a result, its increase is based on the fact that the internal part is freed.

When the ligament is severed, the surgeon pulls out the male part that was previously hidden, and then stitches up the wound. Operation should be clarified immediatelyDoes not cause a sudden increase in organ length, but only in combination with the use of prolongation agents during the postoperative period helps to achieve this.

penile prosthesis

Penile prosthesis is a more complicated procedure as it requires a lot of effort and time from both the surgeon and the patient. It is performed under general anesthesia. After making an incision for quick access to the corpus cavernosum, the surgeon installs a special implant.

Penile prosthesis with inflatable prosthesis (left) and plastic (right)

Surgery depends on which implant will be used. Currently there are:

  • Rigid dentures, which are almost never used;
  • plastic prostheses;
  • Inflatable prosthesis.

This operation is very difficult, but also the most effective. However, doctors should only do it if there are strict indications, not just at the request of the client.


fat filler

Fat grafting is also performed under general anesthesia. In this case, cells are placed first on the patient's body where they are most abundant. The resulting material is carefully purified to obtain so-called "pure" fats. They are injected into the men with microneedles, and the organs and injection sites are then sterilized and bandaged. The entire operation takes less than an hour.

A big advantage for the patient is the introduction of his own cells into his body to rule out allergic reactions or rejections.

Introducing polymeric material into the penis to thicken it

The introduction of polymeric materials, most commonly synthetic gels or similar fillers.

HoweverTheir introduction did not give eternal resultsAnd operations usually need to be repeated between six months and three years, depending on the choice of material and its quantity.

muscle graft

Muscle transplantation is one of the microsurgery procedures. For transplantation, it is most common to remove the flap from the rectus abdominis. This flap is wrapped around the penis, and blood vessels are then sutured to it.This allows you to increase the thickness of your body by 3-4 cm.

preparation stage

Checkup before penis enlargement surgery for men

Between the final decision and the start of surgery, the surgeon needs a certain amount of time, which includes careful and responsible preparation for the surgical intervention.

The patient is examined by all necessary specialists to determine whether there are any possible contraindications, whether general anesthesia can be administered to the patient, any allergies to certain medications, and the materials used during the procedure.

The date of surgery can only be assigned after all tests have been completed and the results and conclusions of all specialists have been obtained.

At the same time, patients are prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking for the first 2-3 days. It is recommended not to eat the day before and limit the amount of water they drink.

postoperative period

In the case of a ligamentotomy, the postoperative period in the hospital lasts only one day. During this time, the urologist will observe the man and explain to him how to wear the extender in the future. Initially, the device had to be worn for 2 hours a day, and this time increased gradually. On average, membership changes as follows5mm stretch in over a week.

Antibacterial and pain relievers were also prescribed, the timing of the next doctor's visit, careful monitoring of one's own personal hygiene, and prohibition of physical activity or sexual intercourse until a doctor confirmed the opposite. The sutures healed quickly and were barely visible after 14-21 days.

The postoperative period is more complicated when a penile prosthesis is performed. Antibiotics and antibiotics are prescribed to the patient, andNo physical activity and intimacy. For the first two days after the operation, he was in the hospital and was confined to bed rest. And after 10 days, you can already go about your daily activities in relative peace.

Man hospitalized after penis enlargement surgery

During the postoperative period after liposuction, the man only stayed in the hospital overnight, and the entire recovery process took less than a month.

The doctor's main request during this time is to rule out sexual intercourse.. Medication can also be prescribed.

A man was kept in hospital for no more than two days after a muscle transplant. Inform when you go home for your next check-up, what medications to take, and how to supplement your personal hygiene routine.

possible complications

Under no circumstances should we forgetAny surgical intervention may lead to certain complications. In terms of aesthetics, the results obtained after surgery may not be satisfactory to the patient. Other complications may also occur:

  • Suture bleeding and hematoma formation;
  • Elevated body temperature (often passed quickly without medication);
  • The appearance of scars that spoil the aesthetic appearance of the organ;
  • Postoperative suture infection;
  • Temporary or even complete sexual dysfunction;
  • Men's psychological and emotional trauma;
  • Absorption or tissue necrosis;
  • Thrombosis in the blood vessels of the penis;
  • Reduced or lost penis sensitivity;
  • Forms an unusual erection angle for a man.

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost?

The cost of penis enlargement surgery depends on the type of surgery.

For penis enlargement surgery, the pricing policy can be viewed by potential clients of any hospital.

Find options from lowest to highest price without visiting a clinic:

  • The average cost of a ligamentotomy ranges from $200 to $1500;
  • Penile prostheses can cost anywhere from $3, 000 to $4, 200, while quality prostheses themselves can cost anywhere from $2, 000 to $12, 000.
  • Fat fillers or injected polymers can cost anywhere from $1, 300 to $2, 500.
  • A muscle transplant will cost a person between $2, 500 and $4, 200.

in conclusion

Question: How is the penis enlarged by surgery? Often interested in men.

But before you can finally decide on this method, you need to figure out how much the surgery will cost, do financial calculations, assess your own physical strength, perform certain checks, measure your penis correctly again and weigh your penis. Be mentally prepared for such a risky step.

And, having made such a choice,Men are obliged to find the most qualified doctorThere is no concern about the cost of penis enlargement surgery.

Finding a cheaper solution to this problem is probably the biggest mistake he could make later.