How to increase the thickness of the penis: folk remedies

When it comes to the male penis, size is as important as shape. It is these parameters that determine whether the penis will become a source of pride for you or the cause of complexes, nervous disorders and failures in your personal life. Since ancient times, the problem of human height growth has been solved with varying degrees of success.The easiest, safest and cheapest way is to try to enlarge your penis using folk remedies available at home.

How to increase penis diameter

Traditional methods of increasing penis size includeUse stimulant rubs to activate blood flow and metabolic processes using decoctions, infusions and tinctures made from natural ingredients. With hard work, slight increases in penis size and length can indeed be achieved. This is due to a regular rush of blood to the skin and a gradual improvement in blood circulation in the groin area.You should not seriously expect significant results from using folk remedies.. They do not help stretch or strengthen penile tissue, nor do they lengthen the ligaments that support the penis.To get dramatic results, use the following methods:
  • Exercise with an erection pump. Under the action of vacuum, blood surges into the penis forcefully, causing a super erection;
  • Special exercises are performed regularly to stretch the tunica albuginea of the penis and its ligaments, strengthen and strengthen the smooth muscle fibers that make up the walls of the cavernous body and blood vessels. Technique examples: jelching, juli, clamping;
  • Wearing an extender - a device that stretches the penis;
  • Hyaluronic acid is injected into the shaft and head of the penis;
  • Surgically installed implants (more ways to increase penis diameter).
All of the above methods are fraught with injuries and complications.Pumping and practicing not only require time and patience, but also good technique. Injections are positioned as an officially medically recognized and safe method of penis enlargement. However, even slight disruption to the integrity of blood vessels can lead to the formation of scars and fistulas. The effects of the injections last 6-12 months. Surgical methods are used only when objectively necessary.It makes sense to spend time and effort seeking folk remedies if:
  1. The penis is relatively normal in size but loses its tone, so it appears visually smaller.
  2. Erection is slow and the penis is not completely filled with blood.
  3. Insufficient head sensitivity and blurred orgasm. This problem can be solved by stimulating nerve endings using topical stimulants and activating libido through regular intake of bioactive substances.
In order not to aggravate the condition, before starting any operation on the penis, you should consult a doctor: there should be no active genital infection, anatomical deformation of the penis or other contraindications.
Key Ingredients of Penis Enlargement Dietary Supplementsis an herbal extract that activates blood flow and improves vascular condition. These are mainly exotic plants, but there are also some plants that can be purchased in any drug store:
  • hawthorn fruit;
  • Ginseng, eleuthero, and dandelion (tinctures can be purchased at pharmacies);
  • Nettle, mint, clover;
  • Blackberries and rowan berries (grated with sugar or used in the form of juice drinks).
Dandelion Root SoupReduce cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessel walls, and effectively improve blood microcirculation. With regular use, erection quality will increase and therefore the size of the penis will appear larger. Recipe: Pour 100 g of grated roots into boiling water (volume 0. 5 l), leave for 30 minutes and drain. For taste, you can add a tablespoon of honey. Drink one-third of a cup before meals.It is used to improve blood circulation, relax spasmed blood vessels, and relieve nervous tension.Hawthorn soup. Method: Pour a tablespoon of dried fruit into a cup of boiling water, place in a water bath for about 10 minutes, and cool. Drink a quarter cup, preferably between meals.Relieve spasms, increase blood vessel tone, and activate brain functionCollection of oregano, chamomile and st. john's wort leaves. Recipe: 1 portion of each raw material, mix, then pour 100 grams of the mixture into 0. 5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, and let cool. Drink the filtered broth, 100-150 ml three times a day.Add mint and clover leaves to tea, also helps dilate blood vessels and normalize the nervous system. You can drink it in the morning and evening.To enlarge your penis, you can also takechestnut tincture. This product effectively dilutes blood, eliminates cholesterol plaques, and increases blood vessel elasticity. For tinctures you will need 1 kg of chestnuts, 3 liters of vodka.
  1. Cut each fruit into 3-4 pieces.
  2. Soak in water for 12 hours.
  3. Drain the water and add the vodka.
  4. Leave in the light for 3 days, then in the dark for a further 40 days.
Take 1-2 teaspoons twice daily after meals for 2 weeks.
The results of herbal remedies in penis enlargement appear faster if used in conjunction with topical medications. Regular exercise is also a great addition.
The easiest way to temporarily increase penis size is to locally stimulate blood flow. Various means will help to enhance the effect:Soda, ointment, honey.Heparin ointment is a popular and affordable way to improve erections and enlarge the penis. It is sold without a prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  1. Helps thin the blood.
  2. Prevent thrombosis.
  3. Activates local blood flow.
To increase penis size, you can use baking sodaUsed as an active ingredient in homemade ointments(mixed with aloe vera, honey, olive oil), andin the form of a bath or compress. Read more about ways to use soda to enlarge your penis.Honey is a natural preservative and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. When applied to the skin, it softens and conditions the skin, improves blood circulation, accelerates regeneration, and is rich in vitamins. Thanks to these propertiesHoney can also be used to massage the penis to increase its size. This is the safest remedy. The only contraindication is personal intolerance to bee products.Improve efficiencyHoney can be mixed with soda, aloe vera juice, bee bread, peppermint balm. Use no more than a match head for this last remedy. Apply the mixture to the skin of the penis shaft, massage gently for 2-3 minutes, then wash off. During massage, you can use slight stretching, twisting, and pressing movements so that the active ingredients will be absorbed faster.Massaging with a mixture of soda water and honey will not only increase the size of the male genitals, but also significantly increase its sensitivity.penis enlargement ointmentTo improve the health of the entire circulatory system, take 50 grams of honey by mouth daily. For this purpose, it is better to use dark varieties (such as buckwheat), since they contain large amounts of manganese and iron.To increase potency and enlarge your penis, you can try mixing honey with:
  • Royal jelly. The ingredients are mixed in a 100: 1 ratio (100 parts honey, 1 part milk). Take half a teaspoon three times daily (dissolve sublingually);
  • ginseng. Dissolve 20 g of dry root powder in 2. 5 liters of honey and leave it for a week. Take one-third of a teaspoon three times daily;
  • Walnut. Mix 0. 5 kg of ground corn kernels with 0. 5 liters of honey. Take one tablespoon twice a day. This mixture effectively normalizes blood pressure that is too low.
To temporarily increase the size of your penis, you can massage it with candied honey (the granules will act like a scrub). A mixture of honey and coarsely ground natural coffee also works. Caffeine effectively increases blood flow and nourishes the skin.Continuous and complex use of folk remedies can help increase the size of the penis by a few millimeters, improve its organization and improve its appearance. You should not expect to achieve more significant results without mandatory use of assistive devices or exercises. There are many ways and means to increase male dignity. All of these are categorized as follows:
  • surgical;
  • Mechanical (using extenders and vacuum pumps);
  • pharmacology;
  • folk;
  • profound.
The choice of male enhancement method simply depends on the desired results and the risks a man is willing to take for it. Most men are still concerned about their health and are not ready to go under the knife or swallow (inject) powerful hormone medications. That's why the most popular method of penis enlargement is using folk remedies.There are a surprising number of folk methods for enlarging the penis. The most popular of them are:
  • Physical exercise;
  • Use a variety of oils, creams, gels, herbal tinctures;
  • Use heavy objects;
  • Psychological skills.
The most common folk method of penis enlargement is to perform various physical exercises. These can be either general strengthening exercises (running, swimming, squats, etc. ) or exercises designed to directly massage the penis. The benefits of increased physical activity in general are undeniable - a healthy heart, elastic blood vessels and therefore good blood circulation will lead to faster filling of the corpus cavernosum of the penis and a visual increase in its size.
The most popular penis enlargement exercise techniques came to Europe from Middle Eastern countries.
The results of numerous studies have found that residents of Arab countries benefit in terms of penis size. The reason is not a genetic trait but a cultural tradition. They are the fact that, starting from puberty, boys are forced to "milk" for several hours every day and deprive themselves of orgasm.In wealthy families, for this purpose, children were sent to a "mehbil" - a specialized person who performed "jelq" - an exercise in stretching the penis - with the boy.Manipulating the penis can be traumatic, so be sure to warm it up before starting the exercises. You can do this by taking a hot bath or going to a sauna. The main goal is to make blood vessels and skin more elastic. After this, the penis must be well lubricated with cream or oil.Use your thumb and index finger to hold the penis at its base, allowing the skin to gradually shrink toward the head. As a result of this movement, the skin and corpus cavernosum of the penis stretch. Once you have an erection, you can increase the intensity. After 20 minutes of continuous training, you need to hold the root of the penis tightly to retain blood as much as possible to stretch the corpus cavernosum. You need to keep your penis in this state for 1-2 minutes. If severe pain occurs during exercise, exercise should be stopped. You can only restart training by reducing the intensity to avoid painful sensations.
If you repeat this exercise regularly, your penis can grow by 2-3 cm in 6-12 months.
In order to complete the exercise correctly and improve results, you need a warm massage. This massage technique was introduced to Europe from distant Japan. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to influence the biologically active points responsible for the size of the manhood. This effect can be achieved using fingers or acupuncture.A popular method of penis enlargement remains the consumption of various tinctures and herbal extracts. The most famous one is Ginseng and Tribulus Terrestris Soup. The ginsenosides contained in these herbs stimulate the nervous system, improve blood circulation, and stimulate your own testosterone production, allowing blood to more completely fill the corpus cavernosum of the penis.There are no official data on the effects of these plants on the penis, however, based on many reviews, it can be concluded that the decoction is effective. You can take ready-made ginseng and tribulus terrestris extracts in tablet or capsule form.To enlarge the penis, you can also use tinctures of: Cordyceps sinensis, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, ginseng root, rhizomes of five leaves, mugwort seeds, fennel seeds or Siberian adzuki bean root. To do this, the ingredients need to be filled with vodka or alcohol and brewed for 3 weeks. Take one tablespoon of tincture before meals.This plant increases blood flow to the penis. Although many researchers have come to conflicting conclusions, the plant is widely used to treat impotence and penis enlargement.The use of ointments prepared according to ancient recipes is still popular. Preparation method: Take 100 grams of dried earthworms and grind them. Pour the powder into 200 g of suet and mix well. Rub this ointment onto your penis before going to bed.Another rub ointment is prepared as follows: 100 g of leeches are ground into powder, poured into 200 g of hot suet and mixed thoroughly. Rub the ointment onto your penis before going to bed.Here are some of the more natural penis enlargement products:
  1. Nuts plus honey is one of the most popular folk remedies for penis enlargement. Mix these ingredients in equal proportions and consume 50-60 grams daily.
  2. Garlic tincture is a proven and reliable male enhancement product. It is popular because almost every drug store sells it without a prescription.
  3. Thyme infusion: Mash 100 grams of thyme and brew with boiling water for several hours; after cooling, the product can be used. Usually take 2-3 teaspoons several times a day before meals.
  4. Lungwort. This plant is very versatile: it can be brewed into tea, added to food, and made into a tincture.
One of the age-old methods of penis enlargement is hanging weights. Indians of the Sadhu tribe performed various modifications on body parts, including the penis. They managed to extend the organ to incredible dimensions. In the calm state, it twisted several times like a rope, and when released, it reached the knees.To achieve this stunning effect, a small weight is strapped to the organ of an immature boy and remains that way for a period of time. Gradually, the penis lengthened to more than 40 centimeters, but with such an organ, men lost the ability to get pregnant and have sex. Today, this method is rarely used, since safer methods have appeared on the market - extenders.Scientists noticed that the penis length of obese men was 1-2 cm shorter than that of healthy men. It turns out that in obese people, part of the penis is hidden by fatty tissue in the pubic area. Therefore, for some men, an effective way to increase their masculinity is to lose weight insignificantly.Men often complain that they are not satisfied with the length of their penis. They use different methods to solve problems. They were particularly interested in how to enlarge the penis using folk remedies. Such methods are considered harmless and easy to use.Herbal medicine is the same as traditional medicine. Herbal medicines are used to enlarge the penis. It is based on accelerating metabolism and blood circulation of the pelvic organs. You will need to use decoctions or infusions regularly. To achieve the effect of penis enlargement, it is easy to choose the available means.
  1. Use an infusion of wild hawthorn leaves, roots and flowers in place of tea. Preparation is simple: pour 500 ml of boiling water into a tablespoon of the stock. The course of treatment lasts at least one month.
  2. Using the same recipe, you can prepare rosehip soup. This drink improves blood circulation and boosts immunity in men.
  3. Ginseng root is the best remedy for improving sexual performance and penis growth. It is added to many ointments or tinctures. You can prepare the medicine according to the recipe: pour about 100 grams of roots with 3 liters of alcohol. Place the tincture in a dark place and let sit for 10 days. Thereafter, take 50 ml of medicine every day.
Herbal remedies are not recommended for men who are allergic to certain plants. Before taking infusions and other folk remedies for penis growth, you should consult a therapist or urologist to make sure there are no medical conditions that contraindicate the herb.

use magic

The use of magic as a means of enlarging the penis is not uncommon. On the Internet you can find a variety of rituals or conspiracies aimed at changing the size of your penis. The best comments come from a magical ritual - the mantra of growth.
  1. Take a green candle and prepare a stand for it.
  2. Pour some olive oil on your hands and rub the candle well.
  3. Light a candle and place a few sprigs of fresh parsley over the fire.
  4. Grind green vegetables with candle energy. Pour the resulting vegetables into a glass of holy water.
  5. Get a pot of pre-planted parsley.
  6. Apply sperm to the leaves of potted vegetables. At this time, you need to speak out loud about your wishes for changes in the size of your reproductive organs and thank the gods for their help.
  7. Water the plants with holy water. Parsley requires careful care until noticeable results are achieved. You cannot pass on the responsibility for watering to others - watering the plants, loosening the soil should be done by a person who wants to change the parameters of the reproductive organs. After reaching the required parameters, the coriander pot should be left at the intersection. Don’t forget to thank the gods again.
You can use different spells, but the effect of magical rituals will be slightly less than zero. Urologists do not believe in the power of perfume because there is no direct link between perfume and male physical conditions. The only advantage of this method is that it has no side effects.

When should you see your doctor for penis enlargement?

In most cases, self-assessment of penis size is subjective. Therefore, if in doubt, you should consult your doctor.It will determine if adjustments are actually needed. The average dimensions of this organ are 16 cm in length and 8 cm in volume. Allow 2-3 cm error from one direction to the other. How to increase the thickness of the penis depends on the intensity of the deviation.The self-satisfaction of using a small diameter for a long time can make the penis smaller.For smaller deviations, a conservative approach is sufficient. These include the use of various creams and dietary supplements. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is required.Instructions for the volume adjustment procedure are as follows:
  • Partner's dissatisfaction with the relationship;
  • psychological disorders due to insufficient penis size;
  • Physical retardation;
  • hormone imbalance.
Methods for enlarging the penis are chosen individually. No matter which option you choose, you must follow the advice of experts. Only then will the results be apparent.All possible methods are divided into the following groups:
  • exercise and massage;
  • Surgical methods;
  • take medicine;
  • Vacuum pump.
Surgical intervention is performed if other methods do not bring the desired results. Your surgeon will tell you in detail how to increase the diameter of your penis.There are various methods of surgical correction of the penis. They each have advantages and disadvantages. As part of lipofilling, the penis is thickened by injecting fatty tissue taken from other parts of the man's body. The main advantage of this operation is the lower possibility of material scrap.In most cases, the results last until the end of life. But over time, the injected tissue may become thinner. After some time, another surgery may be needed.Enlarging the penis using surgical techniques is one of the most dangerous but effective methods.The process takes place in several stages:
  1. Preparation includes passing necessary tests and passing review by various experts.
  2. Remove fat cells from thighs and buttocks;
  3. Remove pus and other impurities from the removed cells.
  4. The cells are introduced evenly into the penis.
  5. Wear a bandage during recovery.
During the transplant, muscle tissue is taken from the abdominal corset or armpit area. Increases the size of the penis by "wrapping" it with prepared tissue.They are secured by suturing the blood vessels. After surgery, the thickness of the organ increased by 3-4 cm.The most difficult surgeries are performed using the "perovik" technique. It involves completely separating the various parts of the reproductive organs so that a framework of cartilage tissue can be implanted between them. Such operations are performed under extreme circumstances. This is because the potential for complications is high.
  • scarring;
  • inflammatory process;
  • Reject foreign tissue;
  • Decreased sensitivity of organs;
  • Improper organizational integration.
The recovery process after surgery is long - about 12 months. To prevent the inflammatory process, you must take antibiotics for the first time. Sexual activity should be restricted. If the slightest sign of complications occurs, you should consult your doctor.One specific but equally common method of increasing the girth of the male organ is with ball implants. They are made from hypoallergenic materials. This surgery can increase the thickness of certain areas of the penis.Foreign body implantation is performed not only by surgeons, but also by experts in the field of body modification.Men should be aware of the risk of complications when introducing various materials under the skin. Inflammatory processes and rejection of substances may be present.The main advantages of non-surgical penis enlargement methods are health, safety and low likelihood of complications. Your doctor will tell you how to increase the size and thickness of your penis. He will study your medical history and choose the best treatment option. It is strongly recommended not to make decisions on your own.